Shortcuts for the Callsheet app from indie developer Casey Liss, designed to help you find more information about TV shows or movies you are watching.
Use these shortcuts to pull up the Callsheet search field, query right away, or even search TMDB directly using Toolbox Pro and open the redirect into Callsheet.
Asks you to enter a query, then encodes the text and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Searches The Movie Database for a movie using Toolbox Pro, extracts the ID, and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Searches The Movie Database for TV shows using Toolbox Pro, extracts the ID, and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Simple shortcut for an App Automation for the IMDB app to instead open Callsheet – this name will appear as the title of your automation.
Redirects a link from The Movie Database to Callsheet by replacing the URL with the deep link.
Takes the clipboard and appends to it to the most-recently modified note, before opening it in Notes.
Plays Do By Friday, a weekly challenge podcast with hosts Alex Cox and Merlin Mann.
Placeholder shortcut to hold your API key – use this to pass your authentication details into another shortcut using Run Shortcut.
Discover endless possibilities by combining the building blocks for Shortcuts.
Enhance your experience with bonus shortcuts, folder bundles, and exclusive perks.