Endel shortcuts

Shortcuts to create personalized background sounds using the Endel app.

Use this shortcut to take advantage of Endel’s different modes – the app uses generative sounds based on signals like the weather, when you woke up, your current heart rate, and your pace (if walking) to match sounds to your current context.

Sleepy time

Activates the “Sleep” soundscape generated by the Endel app’s shortcut, triggering soothing audio sounds that aid in falling asleep.

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Open Threads app

Opens the Threads app from Instagram/Meta. On iPhone, works well with custom icons. On iPad, uses Stage Manager to make proper window. On Mac, opens web app created using Add to Dock.

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Open RTT preferences

Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > RTT to let you adjust “Real-time Text,” described by Apple as “a service offering more reliability, better text support, and the ability to speak and hear during a call” with Software and Hardware options.

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