Activates the “Deeper Focus” mode on Endel that uses more intense beats to help you get in the flow.
Activates the “Hibernation” mode in Endel, a special soundscape designed to match the cozy winter vibe.
Starts up the “Relax” mode of Endel, a variation that plays lowkey sound effects that help your mind calm down and settle.
Play’s Endel’s “AI Lullaby” mode, an artificially-generated tune to help you fall asleep.
Activates the “Sleep” soundscape generated by the Endel app’s shortcut, triggering soothing audio sounds that aid in falling asleep.
Presents a menu of the various options in the soundscape app Endel, then activates the individual shortcut action for the chosen option.
Opens the deep link into the Auto Lock settings so you can customize your iPad’s timeout.
Activates Sound Recognition and listens for fire alarms, sirens, smoke alarms, glass breaking, and shouting – anything you’d definitely want to know about in a work environment.
Opens the TV app to the “Included with Apple TV” category, showing the occassional set of movies that Apple makes free temporarily to go along with the theme of new Apple TV+ Originals.
Prompts you to type in a search, then applies the query in the Passwords section of Settings.
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