Shortcuts Membership

Powerful shortcuts. Deeper workflows. Smarter automation.

About The Membership

Join my exclusive Shortcuts membership program today and take your personal automation to the next level.

As a former member of Apple’s Shortcuts team, I’ve spent the past decade building a powerful library of resources designed to help you save time and do more with your devices.

As a member, you’ll get immediate access to 400+ premium Shortcuts, full of advanced workflows, exclusive techniques, and custom folders straight from my personal collection.

Ready to supercharge your Siri?

Time to make your devices work smarter for you.

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Member Perks


Unlock 1000+ exclusive shortcuts including advanced tools, custom techniques, and powerful workflows.


Get behind-the-scenes access to my Home Screens, custom Apple Watch faces, desk setup gear, and more.


Join members-only streams where we dive into updates to Shortcuts, file Feedback to Apple, build new workflows, and hang out live.


Access the private #members channel in the Shortcuts User Group on Discord – ask questions, share ideas, and connect.

Latest Member shortcuts

Why a Membership?

I created this membership to make my Shortcuts work sustainable — while helping you get more out of the tools you already own.

With years of experience and insider knowledge from my time on Apple’s Shortcuts team, my shortcuts can help you save time, streamline your workflow, and unlock new potential in your devices.

Whether you want to boost productivity or just explore fun new automations, this membership gives you access to a growing library of resources, exclusive techniques, and expert examples to learn from and level up your skills.

Plus, your membership supports the free section of the Shortcuts Library, as well as the Action Directory – enabling open access for anyone to get started and learn what’s available to use.

By joining, you’re not just investing in your own growth — you’re also directly supporting the creation of high-quality content for the whole Shortcuts community.

Thanks for joining me on this Shortcuts journey.