Opens the deep link into the Journal app for iPhone.
Prompts you to add enter text, then uses that text to create a simple entry in the Journal app.
Prompts you to enter a query, then opens to search results for your input text in the Journal app.
Presents a list of pre-programmed Search options, then searches for the chosen text in the Journal app.
Asks you to select an image from Photos or Files, then some associated text, then attaches it to a new entry in the Journal app.
Prompts you to enter text and a title for an entry, then adds it to the Journal app marked as “Bookmarked.”
Opens the Journal app to the recording screen so you can create an Audio entry.
Toggles the Color Filters feature from Accessibility settings to remove color from the display and turn everything black and white.
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Gets the top 10 movies currently sold on iTunes, asks you to choose from the list, and opens the URL of your choice.
Opens the RadarScope app for Apple TV that lets you see large weather maps and see conditions in your area.
Switch on or off Notes’ ability to sort your completed to-dos automatically or not.
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