Create Journal entry
Prompts you to add enter text, then uses that text to create a simple entry in the Journal app.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Journal where you can adjust features like Journaling Suggestions, whether to lock your journal, and your journaling schedule
Prompts you to add enter text, then uses that text to create a simple entry in the Journal app.
Opens the Journal app to the recording screen so you can create an Audio entry.
Presents a list of pre-programmed Search options, then searches for the chosen text in the Journal app.
Prompts you to enter text and a title for an entry, then adds it to the Journal app marked as “Bookmarked.”
Asks you to select an image from Photos or Files, then some associated text, then attaches it to a new entry in the Journal app.
Prompts you to enter a query, then opens to search results for your input text in the Journal app.
Activates a Home scene set to control all the lights in my living room, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Use this shortcut to sort your shortcuts set to show up on the Apple Watch. Use this view to rename them, change the colors, sort the order, or drag and drop shortcuts out to remove them.
Opens the Audio or Visual section of Accessibility settings where you can adjust Headphone Accomations, Background Sounds, Mono Audio, Power On and Off Sounds, Headphone Notifications, Balance, and LED Flash for Alerts.
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
Disables the “Set On Demand” feature for a specific VPN network.
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