Opens the Google app and starts listening for a dictated search query.
Opens the Google app to the Lens feature and looks for text to translate on-screen.
Asks you for a query, then opens the Twitter app to show you results.
Asks you to type out your query, then for YouTube videos on the subject.
Takes a query as input and opens Google results under the Image tab in Safari.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Opens the YouTube Shorts feed in the iOS and iPad apps, or the YouTube Shorts page on web.
Prompts you type in new todos in new lines and add them for Today immediately in Things. If you share text in, it’ll use that instead.
Opens the Language and Region settings to let you change preferred language, region, live text, or custom language settings per-app.
Asks you to pick a folder, then a shortcut to open and copy as an iCloud link to paste into your Feedback report.
Presents a series of tags, then searches for stories tagged accordingly and presents them in a menu to open.
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