Play out loud
Sets the volume to 30%, starts Podcasts, and sets playback to the current device.
Seeks the current media backwards by 60 seconds.
Sets the volume to 30%, starts Podcasts, and sets playback to the current device.
Activates sound cancelling on AirPods Pro or AirPods Max, then starts Podcasts.
Turns on your Apple TV, opens the Podcasts app, and activates the Remote app on your device.
Asks you to choose a speaker, then changes the current playback destination there and starts Podcasts.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
Opens to the free stories shared by the San Francisco Chronicle for Apple News+.
Gets 10 items from Apple’s RSS feed for top TV seasons, presents the options to you, and opens the URL for your choice into iTunes.
Presents a menu of the various options in the soundscape app Endel, then activates the individual shortcut action for the chosen option.
Prompts you to enter in a message, then copies the text, opens to Twitter for you to post, waits for you to return, then opens Threads with the message filled out. On Mac, opens the Threads website.
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