Open Preferences
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Simulates the key command for ⌘+⌃+F (Command + Control + F) to maximize the window to fullscreen.
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Saves the current window arrangement as a JSON dictionary of data in the Files app.
Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Prompts you to type in a folder name, then opens that folder in Shortcuts. Assigned to Shift + Control + O as a keyboard shortcut on macOS, and placed in the iPad dock.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Siri and Search > Language to let you change between one of the many options available.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Sets AirDrop receiving to Contacts Only so people who you haven’t added cannot send you files.
Presents a menu for various times of the day, then changes the device settings to make the screen easier to read depending on that time.
Opens into the Apple Health app to display any Toothbrushing data that’s been tracked automatically or entered manually.
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