Switch the AirPlay source to any speaker instantly.
Adds the HomePod mini in my bedroom and HomePod in my studio as a speaker group.
Deselect a speaker and remove it from the playback group.
Opens the deep link into Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage).
Presents a menu of various time periods for setting Do Not Disturb, then adjusts your device according to the choice – includes a few colloquial phrases like “a bit” and “a while” that can be customized to your preferences, plus options for turning it on until lunch or after work.
Opens ChatGPT, toggles the Sidebar, waits for it to resize, then shrinks the window to the smallest possible 400px wide and 658px tall on the left side – for a better single-chat experience
Multi-tool for converting from miles to kilometers (and back).
Opens the “All iCloud” folder of notes that shows everything across your folders.
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