When did I park my car?
Checks for the time when you set your Parked Car and returns it to you.
Prompts you to enter a text note for your Parked Car spot to leave a reference for later.
Checks for the time when you set your Parked Car and returns it to you.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
Opens the Camera to take a photo, then adds it to your Parked Car location.
Gets your Parked Car location and opens it in Google Maps.
Opens the Arcade tab on the App Store app where you can see games available with the subscription.
Gets the sound library from macOS, picks a random file, and plays it out loud.
Opens the page for Apple Marketing Tools to generate RSS feeds for various iTunes properties from Apple.
Presents a series of tags, then searches for stories tagged accordingly and presents them in a menu to open.
Presents a list of Jazz radio stations on Apple Music, then opens the link to immediately start playing the station.
Opens the app Lumy for Apple TV, which lets you see relevant times for sunrise and sunset so you can know when to take the best photos.
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