Opens the Hardware Keyboard options in Settings > Keyboard so you can change the backlight brightness controls.
Opens the deep link into the Auto Lock settings so you can customize your iPad’s timeout.
Uses Open App > Slide Over to open your favorite apps in Slide Over – I use 1Password, Music, Twitter, Craft, Notes, and Things.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Display > Text Size so you can control how things look on your iPad.
Opens the Settings app to General > Keyboard so you can change options as needed.
Switches the Voice Control so you can issue commands to your device, giving you hands-free control of your devices.
Works great for Accessibility purposes, as well as simply using a device when you can’t reach it – I use this on my iPad Pro when it’s on the stand I have on my desk.
Prompts you to enter first, last, and nickname details for a contact before adding them to a pre-programmed group. Useful for gaming friends over Discord.
Asks you for a query, then opens the Twitter app to show you results.
Plays the latest episode of weekly technology shows in my custom Podcasts station.
Opens the Passwords tab of the Settings app to let you access yours or a shared vault.
Opens the TV app to the Apple TV+ tab to show content from your subscription.
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