Locks the screen of the current device, requring authentication for another user to sign in.
Gets the current Wi-Fi network details, including the current IP address, Network Name, BSSSID, Wi-Fi Standard, RX Rate, TX Rate, RSSI, Noise, Channel Number, and Hardware MAC Address.
Displays device details in a prompt, incluing OS, device type, system version, system build number, device model, device hostname, and the device name.
Starts the screen saver on your Mac. Choose from the Landscape, Cityscape, Underwater, Earth, or other options in System Settings and trigger it using this.
Takes a photo, resizes it to 1440px wide, converts it to a JPEG, and opens the share sheet so you can save it or send it elsewhere.
Presents a list of folders, then pulls stories from that folder and lets you choose which one(s) to open in Safari.
Removes the background of a photo, cropping the remaining subject to remove blank space.
Starts a Check In with a preselected set of Contacts chosen on import.
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