Asks you to select a contact, then let’s you choose to message, call, FaceTime, or email them, along with prompts for the message if needed.
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Asks you to pick a file, then a Contact Group, then sends that file to each person in the group one-by-one.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Scrapes text from input and looks for strings formatted as phone numbers.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Opens the “My Purchases” section of your Fandango accounts to see recent tickets you’ve purchased.
Asks you to choose a speaker, then changes the current playback destination there and starts Podcasts.
Prompts you to choose a project and time period, then displays the results for your total time tracked.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Bluetooth on iOS or the Bluetooth pane in System Settings on macOS.
Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
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