Add note to contact
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Creates a new blank contact in the Contacts app, so you can use the app UI to enter in details.
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Asks you to enter in contact information, then generates a .VCF vcard file out of your answers and shares it.
Looks through the input text for email addresses and copies them to the clipboard.
Presents a series of prompts for contact information, then generates a .VCF and asks you how you want to share it.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Screen Time > App Limits so you can block out apps you use too much.
Prompts you to pick between Mastodon accounts set up in Ivory.
Asks for text, then converts it to the NATO Alphabet to read out “Apple” like “Alfa Papa Papa Lima Echo.”
Starts two pre-set timers at once, each for different lengths. This version is a pomodoro timer, set to go off at 20 minutes for a break and again 5 minutes after to get back to work.
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