Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts a tennis workout using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Starts a cooldown workout, plus sets AirPods Pro to Noise Cancellation.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor cycling workou using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Sends a randomized template message to your partner or housemate that you’re leaving for a short walk, then runs the “Start an outdoor walk” action.
Starts an outdoor walk, turns on Low Power Mode, and logs the UV index.
Sets AirPods Pro to Adaptive mode, then starts an outdoor run using the Apple Watch and vibrates when starting.
Looks at the Health app for total steps and distance for today, then formats the information to display in an alert or be spoken back from Siri.
Opens into the Health app to the Browse tab where you can pick from your Categories or Records data to open.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Prompts you to enter a total time, then starts a timer for that length.
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