Open ChatGPT settings
Runs AppleScript that opens the ChatGPT app and activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + , (which opens the Settings page for the app
Runs AppleScript to press the key code for Option + Space, the keyboard shortcut for ChatGPT’s launcher.
Runs AppleScript that opens the ChatGPT app and activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + , (which opens the Settings page for the app
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + N to create a new temporary chat in ChatGPT that doesn’t get saved.
Runs AppleScript to open ChatGPT for Mac, then activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + S to toggle the Sidebar for the app.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Opens ChatGPT, toggles the Sidebar, waits for it to resize, then shrinks the window to the smallest possible 400px wide and 658px tall on the left side – for a better single-chat experience
Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Connects to AirPods and activates the Adaptive Mode new to iOS 17.
Organizes my display arrangement so my vertical monitor is arranged evenly with a horizontal monitor, plus an iPad active on Sidecar beneath.
Opens into the Health app to the Medication category where you can log meds, add new medications, check drug interactions, and show medication information.
Opens the Flipboard topic for Portland – check for a topic for your local area.
Takes your username, copies your profile URL, and opens the link.
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