Opens the Notifications tab of Bluesky so you can see mentions, follower requests, and engagement such as likes and reposts.
Opens the Lists tab of Bluesky, showing your user-created lists and letting you create a new one.
Opens to the Feeds tab of Bluesky, showing My Feeds and the Discover New Feeds section.
Opens the Chat tab of Bluesky so you can see your messages, start a new chat, and change your chat settings.
Using a given username, opens the link to any profile on Bluesky.
Given a dictionary of Bluesky List names and unique IDs (from the URL), this prompts you to choose from your lists and opens it to the feed view.
Opens Bluesky to the Settings tab, letting you manage multiple accounts, change basic settings, and adjust advanced account settings.
Opens your Drafts using Open Mailbox on iOS and AppleScript key commands on Mac.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac and uses AppleScript to press Command + Option + Control + F to Enter Full Screen.
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Opens the deep link into Settings > General > iPhone Storage (or iPad Storage).
Opens a custom “Screenshots” folder located in the Shortcuts folder in iCloud Drive.
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