Scripting actions

Convert Measurement
Converts the measurements passed into the action to the specified unit.
Calculate Expression
Evaluates the mathematical expression in the given input string and outputs the result as a number.
Add to Variable
Appends this action’s input to the specified variable, creating the variable if it does not exist. This allows you to make a variable hold multiple items.
Go to Home Screen
Navigates to the Home Screen.
Dismiss Siri and Continue
Switches into the Shortcuts app and continues to the next action.
Extract Text from Image
Uses OCR to extract text from an image.
Stop and Output
Stops execution of the current shortcut, and outputs content. This action is useful when: • Running a shortcut from another shortcut (using the Run Shortcut action). The output will be used as the output of the Run Shortcut action. • Running a shortcut from Quick Actions in Finder on macOS. The output will be saved as a file alongside the files selected in Finder. • Running a shortcut from Services on macOS. The output will replace the selected content, if applicable. • Or, when running a shortcut from another location that supports output, like the command-line or the Shortcuts URL scheme. No more actions will be run after this action.
Get What’s On Screen
Gets the current content on screen, if available.
Split Screen Apps
Open the specified apps in split screen mode.
Open X-Callback URL
Performs the specified x-callback-url action. The x-success, x-cancel, and x-error parameters will be added automatically.
URL Encode
Encodes or decodes text passed into the action to be suitable for inclusion in a URL by adding or removing percents.
Performs a number operation on the input and returns the result.
Set Variable
Sets the value of the specified variable to the input of this action.
Open Shortcut
Opens a shortcut in the Shortcuts editor.
Run Shortcut
Run an shortcut from your shortcut.
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