Simple shortcuts

Everyday shortcuts.

Open recent calls

Opens the deep link into the Recents section of the Phone app to see your incoming and outgoing calls, plus any missed calls (mobilephone-recents://).

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Get my number

Gets the first phone number from your preselected contact card, copies it to the clipboard, and shows it to you in a dialog. Use to quickly show to or share with someone else.

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What’s the rental of the week?

Shows options for various ways to watch video, whether picture-in-picture on the current device or using an Apple TV setup. Includes scenes for TV mode and movie mode, a way to quickly put lyrics onto an Apple TV, and a quick link to the latest $0.99 rental in iTunes.

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Split bills

For a given contact, asks you to enter a payment amount (which is then divided by 2), then asks for a description, and sends the split total as a payment to the contact.

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Open Security and Privacy preferences

Opens the deep link into Privacy and Security settings on iOS and the Security pane on macOS. Options include controls for Location Services and Tracking, plus others like Local Network, Nearby Interactions, Microphone and Speech Recognition, and Research Sensor and Usage Data. Also includes Safety Check, Sensitive Content Warning, Analytics and Improvements, Apple Advertising, App Privacy Report, and Lockdown Mode.

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More From The Library

Open by folder group

Uses the Choose From menu action to present top-level categories for Notes folders, then includes multiple other menus for each category and opens into the chosen Folder.

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