Opens the deep link to the Phone app (mobilephone://).
Prompts you to enter a phone number, then asks you to confirm before calling.
Opens the deep link to the phone app, then sets playback to AirPods and turns on Noise Cancellation.
Presents your list of contacts, then calls the person you select. If they have multiple numbers, asks you which one to dial.
Opens the deep link into the Recents section of the Phone app to see your incoming and outgoing calls, plus any missed calls (mobilephone-recents://).
Looks for contacts added to a “Friends” group and asks you to pick one before calling them.
Opens the deep link into the Voicemail section of the Phone app (vmshow://).
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
Asks you to enter a destination, then opens driving directions in Apple Maps.
Turns the studio lights to softer color temperatures and turns off all the lights in the rest of the houhse.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
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