Activate picture-in-picture

Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.

Actions Used

Open App
Opens the specified app.
Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Wait to Return
Pauses execution until you leave the Shortcuts app and return to it. This action might be useful after an action that switches apps, to pause execution until you return to the Shortcuts app.
Run Shortcut
Run an shortcut from your shortcut.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Activate picture-in-picture” end tell

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Inspired by David Smith: https: or or or blog or 2021 or 11 or 22 or glencoe or

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