Plays the personalized radio station curated for you by Apple Music.
Presents a list of Apple Music 1 radio shows and opens the corresponding URL to their curator page.
Presents a list of Jazz radio stations on Apple Music, then opens the link to immediately start playing the station.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
Plays the automatic Favorites Mix curated by Apple Music for you, updated Mondays.
Starts the “Friends Mix” playlist from Apple Music’s Made For You feature – playlist is updated every Friday.
Prompts you to pick from your list of voice memos and plays one immediately.
Takes any files shared as input or, if none are present, presents a Document Picker to select them manually, then shares those files using iCloud Drive – the resulting URL is copied to the clipboard to be shared with others for easy access.
Opens the Account section of where you can manage your profile, turn on two-step authentication, update your billing and subscription details, and copy your API key.
Runs AppleScript to open ChatGPT for Mac, then activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + S to toggle the Sidebar for the app.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app to the Emergency SOS feature.
Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
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