Toggle Captions on Apple TV
Toggles captions on the specified Apple TV.
Sleeps a specified Apple TV, also turning off any HDMI-CEC connected devices like a TV set.
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
Opens Netflix on the selected Apple TV, or opens the website from Mac.
Opens the Apple Fitness app on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can pair your Apple Watch and begin a workout.
For the specified Apple TV, resumes playing the currently-active program.
Opens the Apple Photos app for Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can select an album or a memory to play.
Sets the “I’m Working” scene, turning on my office lights to optimal levels for the workday.
Use this shortcut to quickly access, organize, and edit your Quick Actions shortcuts set as Services on macOS.
This shortcut uses the Open Folder action, which includes the auto-generated folders Shortcuts creates for features like Quick Action.
Saves screenshots from Photos to iCloud—named like they are on macOS—and deletes the originals.
Activates or deactivates Personal Hotspot depending on the current state.
Opens an action from Messages into a group chat. To make your own, open the group chat in Messages, then search for it in Messages.
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