Opens the deep link into Settings > Display > Text Size so you can control how things look on your iPad.
Opens the Settings app to General > Keyboard so you can change options as needed.
Uses Open App > Slide Over to open your favorite apps in Slide Over – I use 1Password, Music, Twitter, Craft, Notes, and Things.
Opens the deep link into the Auto Lock settings so you can customize your iPad’s timeout.
Opens into Settings > Display on iOS and System Settings > Displays on macOS so you can arrange your Mac or iPad displays accordingly.
Looks for the URL in your next meeting and asks if you want to open it.
Opens the Ember app for iPhone and Apple Watch for my heated coffee mug.
Opens into the Health app to the Clinical Notes section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Activates Sound Recognition and listens for fire alarms, sirens, smoke alarms, glass breaking, and shouting – anything you’d definitely want to know about in a work environment.
Opens the settings app to Notifications > Siri Suggestions you can customize which apps show up in the Suggestions widget or Lock Screen.
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