Open new chat
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + N to create a new temporary chat in ChatGPT that doesn’t get saved.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + N to create a new chat in the ChatGPT app for Mac.
Runs AppleScript to press the key code for Option + Space, the keyboard shortcut for ChatGPT’s launcher.
Runs AppleScript that opens the ChatGPT app and activates the keyboard shortcut for Command + , (which opens the Settings page for the app
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac and uses AppleScript to press Command + Option + Control + F to Enter Full Screen.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac, resizes it to a default 980×658 dimensions, then moves it to the middle left (with 18px of padding against the edge of the screen).
Opens ChatGPT, toggles the Sidebar, waits for it to resize, then shrinks the window to the smallest possible 400px wide and 658px tall on the left side – for a better single-chat experience
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Opens into the Health app to the Conditions section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Gets a list of all the titles for your Shortcuts folders. On macOS, uses the Shortcuts Command Line Interface (CLI) to make the request; on iOS, uses a Regular Expression to find the results. Also saves a .txt file of the output.
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