Get Travel Time
Estimates the amount of time it will take to travel to the location passed into this action. Lets you adjust the time interval.
Asks you for a destination, then gets Transit travel time.
Takes a location as input or your current location and searches for nearby destinations noted as Landmarks, then opens your selected option in Maps.
Performs a search of your choice nearby and gives you biking directions to your chosen option.
Opens the Apple Maps URL to query “coffee.” Reference: https: or or or library or archive or featuredarticles or iPhoneURLScheme_Reference or MapLinks or MapLinks.html
Gets driving time from current location to your work address, showing the route and arrival time as well.
Takes an input location or your current location and searches for gas stations, then gives you driving directions to your choice.
Asks for your friend’s location and a type of destination, then searches near the halfway point for a place to go.
Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Activates or deactivates Control Center (depending on its current status) – works best with Siri.
Opens the Apple Developer app for Apple TV so you can view bookmarks, browse presentations, and search for topics. When run from Mac, maximizes the window to Full Screen.
Opens the My Sample section of the Books app to show books that you’ve downloaded previews for.
Presents a menu to open into your Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Someday, Anytime, Logbook, or Deadlines in Things.
Scrapes a Threads post, fulls out the excerpt and URL, asks you to add commentary, then posts it using the Mastodon app.
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