Opens the deep link to Clear History and Website Data on iOS.
Opens the Safari app and shows the History tab of previously-visited sites.
Speaks the current page from Safari out loud; uses Listen to Page on iOS and Speak Text on macOS.
Opens or closes the Safari sidebar depending on its current state (using AppleScript).
Takes a URL from input and makes it open into Safari by opening a temporary webpage.
Starts up a Timery timer from the last-logged event, starting anew from right now.
Opens the deep link into Setitngs > Siri and Search > Siri Voice to let you change between the America, Australian, British, Indian, Irish, or South African variety and Voices 1-5.
For the specified Apple TV, resumes playing the currently-active program.
Switches the “Announce Notifications” feature for Siri on or off (depending on how it was last set).
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