Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Asks you to enter a caption, then copies it in a Markdown image reference.
Finds the H1 header, removes that first line and one after it, and gets just the body of the text.
Looks for text formatted as Markdown coming from the clipboard or share sheet and converts it into Rich Text, then copies it to the clipboard.
Gets URLs from input, extracts the name, then formats it as a Markdown link.
Asks you for a caption and filename, then formats it as a Markdown image reference.
Converts the shortcut input from rich text to Markdown and adds it as a new sheet in Ulysses.
Gets 25 items from Apple’s RSS feed for top paid apps, asks you to pick from the options, and opens the corresponding app.
Turns the appearance dark, turns on Do Not Disturb, and sets an embedded wallpaper.
Asks for your friend’s location and a type of destination, then searches near the halfway point for a place to go.
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