Change Background Sound
Turns background sounds on or off. Background sounds mask unwanted environmental noise and can be used when media is playing. Background sounds can also be enabled under Accessibility in Settings.
Toggles background sounds and changes it to Dark Noise.
Presents a menu from 10%-50% in 5% increments and sets background sounds to that percentage out of the total volume.
Deactivates Background Sounds and the same “When Media Is Playing,” plus resets the volume to 10% and sound to Balanced Noise.
Toggles “Background Sounds When Media is Playing” and sets “Volume When Media Is Playing” to 10%.
Asks you to pick a focus mode, then clears the Music Focus Filter and removes all settings for “Use Listening History” for that Focus.
Asks you for an app title, searches for it on the App Store, gets the Bundle Identifier, and opens the deep link into the Photos privacy settings for that app. Also works if you copy and paste an App ID into the URL.
Gets the first phone number from your preselected contact card, copies it to the clipboard, and shows it to you in a dialog. Use to quickly show to or share with someone else.
Opens the “Shared” folder of notes that you’ve collaborated on with others.
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