Start Magnifier
Opens the Mangifier app with without any preset activity; resets anything currently set.
Opens the Magnifier app and activates the Detect Items feature set to detect Furniture in the Camera view.
Opens the Mangifier app with without any preset activity; resets anything currently set.
Opens the Magnifier app and activates the Reader mode, which scans text and speaks it out loud
Asks you to pick from your Saved Activity list from the Magnifier app and activates your choice.
Opens the Magnifier app and activates the Point and Speak feature that will detect text near your finger.
Opens the Magnifier app and activates the Detect Items feature set to detect Doors in the Camera view.
Opens the Magnifier app and activates the “Describe This” feature that “provides a description of what’s in the camera view.”
Takes a base64-encoded image of your favorite background and decodes it before passing it into Set Wallpaper for your Home Screen.
Presents a menu of platform types, then opens the corresponding release notes page on Apple’s website.
Gets the top 10 movies currently sold on iTunes, asks you to choose from the list, and opens the URL of your choice.
Opens transit directions from your current location to your home address.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
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