Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens into Settings > Display on iOS and System Settings > Displays on macOS so you can arrange your Mac or iPad displays accordingly.
Uses Open App > Slide Over to open your favorite apps in Slide Over – I use 1Password, Music, Twitter, Craft, Notes, and Things.
Opens the Settings app to General > Keyboard so you can change options as needed.
Opens the deep link into the Auto Lock settings so you can customize your iPad’s timeout.
Opens the Hardware Keyboard options in Settings > Keyboard so you can change the backlight brightness controls.
Creates a blank document in the horizontal orientation, for printing in landscape.
Asks you for an app name, searches for it on the App Store, gets the bundle ID, and opens into Settings for that app. iOS-only.
Stores your List:Write token for the Mastodon API to reuse in other shortcuts.
Opens the Share Sheet folder in Shortcuts so you can add, remove, or sort included shortcuts.
Opens your Amazon profile to the Digital Content management page for Comixology Unlimited where you can do things like delete comics or add them to collections.
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