Toggle the Living Room lights
Toggles a set of 4 Hue lights and one Light Strip in my main living space.
Opens the Alexa app, which can be set to automatically listen for responses when opened.
Toggles a set of 4 Hue lights and one Light Strip in my main living space.
Turns on the TV, opens the Apple TV Remote, and sets the Movie Time scene before turning down brightness, enabling Do Not Disturb, and activating my Letterboxd shortcuts.
Turns on the lights in the main rooms, bathroom, and bedroom maximum lighting while cleaning the house.
Sets the Hue lamps on the side tables in my bedroom on or off.
Sets the light to specific levels for specific situations one might encounter in the bedroom.
Turns on the kitchen lights and sets playback to the HomePod mini.
Opens the Books app to the Audiobook Store section where you can find and buy new audiobooks.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings on iOS or the Universal Access preference pane on macOS.
Opens the deep link into Setitngs > Siri and Search > Siri Voice to let you change between the America, Australian, British, Indian, Irish, or South African variety and Voices 1-5.
Opens the My Sample section of the Books app to show books that you’ve downloaded previews for.
Turns on my living room, turns off your alarm in case you’ve woken up before it, and softly plays the radio station on my HomePod.
Activates Sidecar for an iPad mini near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
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