Open Mac app
Picks from a dictionary of Mac apps and their IDs, then uses SSH to remotely open the app on the Mac.
Use this shortcut to hide—but not quit—all your active applications.
Picks from a dictionary of Mac apps and their IDs, then uses SSH to remotely open the app on the Mac.
Opens various apps you want running in the Menu Bar like Alfred, Plex, or 1Password.
Opens the “Report A Problem” page on Apple’s website where you can see your list of purchases.
Accepts text from the shortcut input and asks the default ChatGPT-3.5 model to spell check the text, returning only the corrected text.
Searches the Passwords database for your Amazon account login details.
Starts playing your personalized Apple Music radio station, sets a timer for 10 minutes, and turns on the water lock with your Apple Watch face of choice.
Switches notifications for @-mentions in the Notes app on or off.
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