Hide the Dock
Activates Stage Manager and deactivates the “Show Dock” setting so only Recent Apps are shown.
Activates Stage Manager with the Recent Apps option disabled (and the Dock visible).
Activates Stage Manager and deactivates the “Show Dock” setting so only Recent Apps are shown.
Toggles Stage Manager on or off depending on the current setting – includes the Dock and Recent Apps, but this can be customized if you have one overall preference.
Activates Stage Manager, but removes the Dock and Recent Apps for a clean setup.
Activates Stage Manager with the Recent Apps option enabled (and the Dock hidden).
Deactivates Stage Manager (which preserving your default settings).
Opens into the Checklists folder I’ve created in Notes to keep various task lists or templates.
Pauses the Sound Recognition feature (rather than fully disabling it).
Asks you for a search query, then forms it for the Amazon search results URL with a filter for Comics applied.
Takes text, splits it by new lines, and adds an asterisk and a space before each for pasting as a list in Markdown-compatible apps.
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