Get the state of Home
Get the state of [name of Home set up in the Home app).
Sets the “I’m Working” scene, turning on my office lights to optimal levels for the workday.
Toggles a set of 4 Hue lights and one Light Strip in my main living space.
Turns the studio lights to softer color temperatures and turns off all the lights in the rest of the houhse.
Turns on the TV, opens the Apple TV Remote, and sets the Movie Time scene before turning down brightness, enabling Do Not Disturb, and activating my Letterboxd shortcuts.
Turns on the lights in the main rooms, bathroom, and bedroom maximum lighting while cleaning the house.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
Turns on the Apple TV, set a Home scene, and turns on Entertainment focus for an hour.
Gets shortcuts from an “Apple Watch faces” folder, presents the list, and swaps to your chosen face.
Gets 10 items from Apple’s RSS feed for top TV seasons, presents the options to you, and opens the URL for your choice into iTunes.
Looks for snow in the daily forecast for the next 10 days.
Use this shortcut to see your Personal and Home automations set up on iPhone and iPad.
Works well from the Shortcuts widget or using Siri when you want to set up a new Automation.
Opens into the Sleep section of the Apple Health where the Sleep Schedule information can be changed.
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