Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Takes the file from input and emails it to your Send To Kindle email address.
Sets a reminder 4 hours from the current time that your Kindle is done charging.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Organizes my display arrangement with my dual monitors side-by-side on top and an iPad activated with Sidecar beneath.
Gets the length of an article from input and divides the words by 200 to get a rough reading estimate.
Turns the volume down to 0%. If device is already muted, increases the volume to 35%.
Asks for your search query, encodes the text, then opens the deep link into Apple Music.
Reference: https: or or or library or archive or featuredarticles or iPhoneURLScheme_Reference or MapLinks or MapLinks.html
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