Location check in

Gets your current location and sends it to your Family group in Contacts using Messages.

Actions Used

Find Contacts
Searches for the contacts in your library that match the given criteria.
Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Passes the specified text to the next action.
Get Current Location
Gets the current location of the device using the GPS signal.
Send Message
Sends an iMessage or SMS. Pass images, videos, or other files as input to include attachments.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Location check in” end tell

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More From The Library

Search Apple Maps

Asks for your search query, encodes the text, then opens the deep link into Apple Music.

Reference: https: or or developer.apple.com or library or archive or featuredarticles or iPhoneURLScheme_Reference or MapLinks or MapLinks.html

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Add to wishlist

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