Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Opens Kindle Unlimited to let you manage your digital content, to deliver, remove, or return your book.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Opens the Kindle app on iOS and Mac to the default library view, letting you browse your collection and select a book or PDF to read.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Sets a reminder 4 hours from the current time that your Kindle is done charging.
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Adds the HomePod mini in my bedroom and HomePod in my studio as a speaker group.
Asks you to pick a focus mode, then sets the Music Focus Filter for “Use Listening History”” to off so you can listen to anything without it being added to your Apple Music Replay.
receives a photo from the Share Sheet ( or asks you to pick one) and passes it to the Google app to the Lens feature, using it as a search input and showing you results based off what it sees.
Asks you to pick an event, name the project, and generates a blank meeting note template for you to fill out.
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