Change Background Sound
Turns background sounds on or off. Background sounds mask unwanted environmental noise and can be used when media is playing. Background sounds can also be enabled under Accessibility in Settings.
Toggles background sounds and changes it to Ocean noises.
Presents a menu from 10%-50% in 5% increments and sets background sounds to that percentage out of the total volume.
Wakes a specified Apple TV, opens an app of your choosing, then shows the digital Remote Control.
Starts up the “Relax” mode of Endel, a variation that plays lowkey sound effects that help your mind calm down and settle.
Opens the deep link to the Favorites tab in the Phone app (mobilephone-favorites//).
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
Opens the Mobility tab of the Health app where you can see data like Walking Speed, Walking Step Length, Double Support Time, Walking Asymmetry, Sait Speed, Walking Steadiness, Six-Minute Walk, and your Cardio Fitness.
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