Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens the deep link into Battery Usage on iOS, or the Battery preferences on MacBooks and Energy Saver preferences on other Macs.
Shows the current Battery Level on wireless devices, as well as the connected or charging status when plugged in. For always-on devices, shows a simple prompt.
Opens the App Store to the Games tab on iOS and iPadOS or the Play tab in the Mac App Store.
Adds a template from the Basic category in Numbers, including blank, dark mode, table and chart, pivot table, charting basics, checklist, checklist total, and categories.
Takes two photos and combines them on top of each other with 150px in between.
Change the Number to the correct amount of nits for your device’s display if you don’t have an iPad Pro – look it up with “[device name] display nits” online.
Asks you to pick a project name from JIRA, then asks you to choose from a list of unresolved issues assigned to you and opens it.
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