Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Bluetooth on iOS or the Bluetooth pane in System Settings on macOS.
Disables Bluetooth entirely (as opposed to tapping the Bluetooth icon in Control Center, which only disconnects it).
For a given YouTube Channel ID, creates a RSS feed link for that channel.
Opens the App Store app to the Today page on iOS and iPadOS or the Discover page on macOS.
Prompts you to add enter text, then uses that text to create a simple entry in the Journal app.
Asks you to enter a time value, then presents it in different formats and lets you choose which one to copy.
For a given YouTube video passed in as input, this isolates the URL parameter after “list=“ that represents a video playlist ID.
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