Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens your Drafts using Open Mailbox on iOS and AppleScript key commands on Mac.
Opens your Flagged email inbox using Open Mailbox on iOS and AppleScript to simulate keyboard shortcuts on Mac.
Asks for a search query on IOS; on macOS, uses AppleScript to press keyboard command to open Mailbox Search.
Asks you to enter a subject line and then a message, then saves both as an email draft in the Mail app.
Opens the All Inboxes view in Mail using Open Mailbox on iOS or AppleScript on Mac.
Opens to the Apple News Today podcast category, where you can find individual episodes published as stories as well as links to articles mentioned in the show.
For a given YouTube video passed in as input, this isolates the URL parameter after “list=“ that represents a video playlist ID.
Records normal quality audio, starting or stopping with your tap, then encoding the recorded audio to AIFF before saving to to a folder of your choice.
Prompts you to pick between Mastodon accounts set up in Ivory.
Takes the current episode from Overcast, finds the show in Podcasts, and opens the last episode.
Gets shortcuts from an “Apple Watch faces” folder, presents the list, and swaps to your chosen face.
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