Takes a podcast, gets the Store ID, and opens the show in Overcast.
Takes the current episode from Overcast, finds the show in Podcasts, and opens the last episode.
Plays podcasts in the Overcast app, starting from the last-used location.
Copies the current date and time in a good format for pre-pending to filenames to ensure the list is always ordered well when sorted alphabetically.
Presents the various Themes in Books to choose from, then applies the setting of your choice.
Creates a series of prompts to save a gift and the giver’s name to an ongoing note.
Asks you to enter a query, then asks you to pick from a type of search before opening the URL scheme into TV Forecast.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Opens the Shared list in the Reminders app where you can see tasks assigned to you or shared with another person.
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