Lets you pick from movies in your Letterboxd RSS feed and opens one.
Creates a post on your blog linking back to a chosen Letterboxd entry.
Adds your recent movie reviews as all-day events on your calendar.
Wakes up the specified Apple TV, then activates the built-in Screen Saver feature to display ambient scenes instead of the Home Screen.
Adds one hour to the current time and sets a reminder telling you the laundry is done.
Opens the Flagged list in the Reminders app where you can see the full list of tasks you’ve marked as important.
Opens the main Home tab of the TV app where you can view and add content to your Up Next queue.
Opens the macOS folder System > Library > Services so you can see shortcuts you’ve added as Services.
Gets the contents of the Pages folder in iCloud Drive, presents the options, and opens your document of choice.
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