Open Finished books
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Opens the My Sample section of the Books app to show books that you’ve downloaded previews for.
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Opens the Books app to the “Want to Read” section that’s built up when you mark books as such.
Changes the Books app view to Search, showing Recently Viewed, trending genres for you, a section to Discover books, and Trending searches.
Opens the Books app, then prompts you to confirm setting orientation lock so the screen doesn’t rotate. When run from Mac, opens the app in fullscreen.
Presents a list of preset emoji and copies your choice to the clipboard.
Picks a random Area, then a Project, then opens it in Things.
Sets up the Stream Deck app and Finder windows for adding icons quickly.
Presents a menu of various gaming-related News channels, like the generic Games, plus Video Games, Xbox, Nintendo, VR, Consoles, and Oculus channels in the News app.
Activates or deactivates the Water Lock setting on your Apple Watch, ejecting water from the speaker as needed.
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