Switch Mastodon accounts in Ivory
Prompts you to pick between Mastodon accounts set up in Ivory.
Shows the Mentions-only tab in Ivory with replies to your Mastodon posts.
Prompts you to pick between Mastodon accounts set up in Ivory.
Shows the Search tab in Ivory, which shows the Trending posts feature under Browse.
Asks you for a query, then searches your posts or Mastodon users in Ivory.
Opens a predefined List or a List link passed as input into Ivory for Mastodon.
Stores multiple List titles and IDs that you can pick from to open into Ivory.
Asks you to enter a title, then creates an album in the Photos app.
Starts a new continuous chat with ChatGPT-4o, where it will prompt you to start a conversation and replies until you stop responding.
Presents a menu of all the Star Wars films and TV shows in order, linking to the TV app page for each entity.
Opens the Preferences window of AirServer using the ⌘ + , keyboard shortcut.
Opens the URL for The News Desk’s Technology section to see top stories curated by Flipboard.
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