Open my Today list
Opens the Today list in Reminders where you can see tasks assigned for the day, morning, afternoon, or evening, as well as drag tasks between those sections to resassign them.
Opens the Shared list in the Reminders app where you can see tasks assigned to you or shared with another person.
Opens the Today list in Reminders where you can see tasks assigned for the day, morning, afternoon, or evening, as well as drag tasks between those sections to resassign them.
Opens the Inbox list in the Reminders app where you can see reminders added with Siri.
Opens the Flagged list in the Reminders app where you can see the full list of tasks you’ve marked as important.
Opens the Completed list in the Reminders app where you can see previously marked-off tasks.
Opens the Assigned list in the Reminders app where you can filter down to show only reminders assigned to you.
Asks you to pick from any of your Reminders Lists in order of their grouping and opens the list of your choice.
Opens a template board that I duplicate each time I start a new video.
Opens into the Touch section of Accessibility settings to let you control features like AssistiveTouch, Reachability, Haptic Touch, Touch Accommodations, Tap or Swipe to Wake, Shake to Undo, Prevent Lock to End Call, Call Audio Routing, and Back Tap control
Presents a menu of your named Wallpapers and switches to the option of your choice.
Shows your recent movie ticket to be scanned by the ticket taker – or tap to open your ticket details.
Asks for your search query, encodes the text, then opens the deep link into Apple Music.
Reference: https: or or developer.apple.com or library or archive or featuredarticles or iPhoneURLScheme_Reference or MapLinks or MapLinks.html
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