Opens your personal feed on Clips saved from YouTube videos. Use this feature to capture important ideas and give them custom titles, and have a feed of personalized clips to view again later.
Opens the deep link into the Watch Later page of the YouTube website, where I can then watch videos in picture-in-picture. Requires opening in Safari after showing page.
Opens the feed of channels you’ve subscribed to on YouTube – use this to directly access channels using Search, or clean up your subscriptions by removing some.
Opens the link to the Library tab of YouTube, which shows your History, Watch Later, Playlists, and Liked Videos.
Turns on my living room TV, opens the YouTube app, and shows the remote control on the current device so I can navigate the interface. When run from Mac, opens YouTube in Safari in fullscreen.
Redirects a web URL for a YouTube into the mobile app by replacing `https: or or ` with `youtube: or or ` in the link.
Switches the Apple Watch always-on display on or off depending on your last setting.
Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
Opens the RadarScope app for Apple TV that lets you see large weather maps and see conditions in your area.
Opens the Amazon homepage, which redirects to the main page of the app when opened on mobile.
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