Delete screenshots
Gets the latest 50 screenshots and lets you choose which ones to delete, defaulting to Select All.
Takes you into the automatic Screenshots album in Photos.
Gets the latest 50 screenshots and lets you choose which ones to delete, defaulting to Select All.
Returns to the Home Screen, then waits just under 1 or 2 second to take a screenshot (so it shows the dots for widgets), then saves it to a pre-created Home Screen album in Photos.
Returns to the Home Screen, then waits just under 1 or 2 second to take a screenshot (so it shows the dots for widgets), then saves it to a pre-created Home Screen album in Photos.
Gets your current location, gets the Maps URL, and starts a message to send it to someone.
Activates the key code for F4’s native function, which triggers the LaunchPad feature that shows your app icons like an iOS Home Screen.
Opens Apple Maps directions to a specified address showing public transit options instead of driving, walking, or biking.
Gets the first phone number from your preselected contact card, copies it to the clipboard, and shows it to you in a dialog. Use to quickly show to or share with someone else.
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